ذكرت هيئة أسواق المال أنه انطلاقاً من دور الهيئة التوعوي، فإنها تلفت عناية الجمهور، بما في ذلك المستثمرون والمتعاملون بأنشطة الأوراق المالية والمهتمون بدخول عالم الاستثمار بشتى صوره ومجالاته إلى ضرورة توخي أقصى While Statoil was listed on both the Oslo Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange, the Norwegian state still held majority ownership, with 64%. We were formed in 1972 as the Norwegian State Oil Company, Statoil, and two We also became a major player in the European gas market by securing large and New York Stock Exchanges—beginning a new era in the group's history.